Orders are typically processed within 3-5 business days after payment confirmation.
Please note that processing times may vary during peak seasons or promotional periods.
Shipping Methods
We offer several shipping options, including DHL , UPS , USPS
The available shipping methods may vary depending on your location.
Shipping Destinations
We currently ship to addresses All countries Except Israel, brazils , Russia
Please note that unexpected delays may occur due to factors such as weather conditions, customs clearance, or carrier issues.
Order Tracking
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information.
Remote Area
If you are in remote area and want DHL, USPS, UPS delivery , You will pay Extra remote area charges €35 per delivery.
Delivery Address
Please ensure that the shipping address provided is accurate and complete to avoid any delivery delays or issues. We are not responsible for orders shipped to incorrect or incomplete addresses provided by the customer.
Returns and Exchanges
For information on returns and exchanges, please refer to our Return Policy